Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Tuesday: Getting Ready For Art Walk Weekend

I am supposed to be getting documentation ready for Art Walk this weekend but I keep getting distracted.  One thing I can't get into edit my web site.  Don't know what is going on.
Lots has been going on this past two weeks.  A trip to visit in Van.  Got on CBC eve. news at Yaletown organic farmer's market.  What a hoot!
Finished painting fish...finally by the end of last week.  To Nanaimo Art Council  and city council meetings re Cultural Plan and dinner for 13.  Only time for painting was on the fish wall.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Non-graffiti on our bathroom wall

This past summer I had the grandkids, ages 11 down to 3 draw fish on our bathroom wall.  They are great drawers and I want a fun bathroom with their stamp and a good memory in it.  So now I am adding color to their great little drawings.  It is taking longer than I expected but I'm getting there.  Just about done.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Remembrance Day Monday....remembering the 'Why' that we learned, wondering about the 'Why" and wondering what the veterans are remembering . I was thinking about the various losses vs the wins.

Sonja Billard's pods, 2013

Sonja Billard's Red Pear With Gold
On of my new series on the poppies ( first image at top) that grew in the front garden and produced fabulous pods which are the most facinating. I plan to get close up and personal with the pods in the next works.

65 Red Pears
is still ongoing
where I am still exploring texture and vrious ways of presenting this image in a small format.

Monday, 4 November 2013

After a workshop: layering colour

I am always inspired to work, change, apply new ideas after attending a workshop.  I listened and watched and enjoyed Patt Schribener at the Island Arts Expo, Qualicum Bay.  She is fun and so generous in sharing her ideas, techniques and knowledge.  I layer colour in my work and have for some time but I was re inspired to take it further...a kick in the back end.  So started refreshing a piece that was stuck, started last night into today.
Well it may be stuck  again asd I am debating wheathte to go cool or warmer.  It is more sippy than the last 'stuck'.  I am open to comments and suggestions.
Ancients Among us  second piece...sure shows differently here than in my photo collection in 'pictures'  Very strange but needs to be looked at.  I think it needs to go in the direction of the one below and left square needs punching up.